Political Science Minor
Department of Political Science
A minor in political science will help students to flourish in the political environment in which their future economic and social activities will be carried on. To suit the special educational needs and objectives of individual students, appropriate substitution of designated courses may be made after consultation with the departmental advisor. Students may minor by taking 6 credits of 3000-level courses plus POL 4900 Political Science Capstone Seminar. In order to officially become a minor in Political Science, students must submit a minor declaration form to the Registrar’s Office.
Important Advisory Regarding Capstones: At least one of the two required 3000-level courses in Political Science must be completed BEFORE taking the capstone POL 4900. (If necessary, students are permitted to take the second 3000-level course during the same semester as the capstone, but must consult with the department to do so.) Political Science does NOT offer capstone courses in winter sessions.
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Dr. Benedetto Fontana
Department of Political Science
Phone: 646 312-4410
Email: wsaspoliticalscience@baruch.cuny.edu