Academic Help
A Little Help Goes a Long Way
Weissman wants all students to succeed in their studies. Because we understand that exploring new areas and tackling bigger challenges can be tough, Weissman and Baruch College are committed to providing academic support for students who need extra to help to fulfill their potential.
Faculty Office Hours
Professors schedule office hours each semester – time set aside to meet with students in their courses. We encourage you to meet with your professors during their office hours if you need help understanding an assignment, want to review graded work, or have any other course-related questions or concerns. If you are unable to attend their scheduled in person or online office hours, you may always email them to request an appointment.
Writing Center
The Writing Center offers free support to all Baruch students. Their professional consultants—teachers of college writing and writers themselves—work collaboratively with you to deepen your writing and English language skills. The Center offers online and in-person 50-minute one-one-one consultations, 75-minute workshops, and asynchronous feedback on students’ written work. The Writing Center can help students at all levels, from experienced writers to second language learners.
More information is available by visiting the Writing Center site, by emailing, or by calling (646) 312-4012.
Whether you are just starting college or are on the home stretch towards graduation, the pursuit of a college degree is challenging. Even the best students can become overwhelmed. We encourage all Weissman undergraduate students to take advantage of the extensive free tutoring opportunities offered through Baruch College’s nationally certified and award-winning Student Academic Counseling Center (SACC).
Tutoring is available in most undergraduate courses. Working with a tutor can help you improve your grades in difficult subjects, learn better study skills, manage your time more effectively, become more organized, and prepare for standardized tests. SAAC offers free online and in-person tutoring, workshops, and final exam reviews. Students must be officially enrolled in the relevant course to receive SACC services.
SACC tutors are current Baruch students or recent Baruch graduates chosen for their outstanding academic achievement and interpersonal skills. Appointments are highly recommended. Accommodations are available for students with disabilities.
More information is available by visiting the Student Academic Consulting Center site — SACC, by emailing, or by calling 646-312-4830.
Tools for Clear Speech
The Tools for Clear Speech (TfCS) program maximizes the success of Baruch’s multilingual learners of English by improving communication skills, speaking confidence, and career readiness. The program offers one-to-one sessions, workshops, small-group conversation hours, oral communication video assessment, and mobile interactive software and practice resources.
More information is available by visiting the Tools for Clear Speech (TfCS) site, by emailing, or by calling 646-660-6433.