Information Technology and Social Responsibility Minor
The internet age has fostered an environment of widespread interconnectedness. This hyperconnectivity, and the new media that proliferate along with it, come with their own specific problems. The purpose of this concentration is to study the effects of these new technologies on the individual, the workplace, and society at large. In this program of study students will examine the
increasing importance of individual and organizational social responsibility in today’s interconnected and computer-mediated environment, as well as the specific issues that stand at the intersection of social responsibility and information technology.
Requirements for the Minor
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Spring/Winter 2025 Information Technology and Social Responsibility Course Offerings
(Subject to Change)
BIS 3013 Mass Media & Black American
URA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4815
In-Person: Th 6:05PM – 9:00PM
Instructor: Arthur Lewin
CIS 3270 Computer Ethics
(Cross-listed with PHI 3270)
CTRB-LEC Regular; Class Number: 37505
In-Person: T/Th 10:45AM – 12:00PM
Instructor: Joshua Appel
EMWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 19208
In-Person: Mo/We 2:30PM – 3:45PM
Instructor: David Neely
CIS 3810 Principles of New Media
ETRA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 5695
In-Person: T/Th 2:30PM – 3:45PM
Instructor: Joshua Appel
CIS 4910 Information Technology and Social Responsibility
FTRA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 5696
In-Person: Tu/Th 4:10PM – 5:25PM
Instructor: Joshua Appel
JRN 3220 Media Ethics and Law
EWB-LEC Regular; Class Number: 19592
Hybrid Asynchronous; We 2:30PM – 3:45PM
Instructor: Eileen Connelly
NETA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 19591
Instructor: Geanne Belton
JRN 3220H Honors Media Ethics and Law
NETH-LEC Regular; Class Number: 19984
Instructor: Geanne Belton
LIB 3040 Information and Society
(Cross-listed with COM 3040 and PAF 3040)
BMWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 29645
In Person: Mo/We 9:05AM – 10:20AM
Instructor: TBA
ETA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 35004
Hybrid Asynchronous: Tu 2:30PM – 3:45PM
Instructor: TBA
PHI 3050 Ethics, Econ & Bus
PMWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 19449
In-Person: Mo/We 5:50PM – 7:05PM
Instructor: Anatoly Nichvoloda
Professor Adel Yazdanmehr, Program Director