Department of Psychology
The minor comprises three courses in Psychology, at least one of which must be a foundation course in psychology and at least one of which must be a capstone course at the 4000 level or above. The capstone course should be one of the department’s communications-intensive options and must be taken at Baruch College. The selection of a suitable capstone should take the student’s background in the discipline and academic interests into account and should be determined in consultation with the Department of Psychology.
Requirements for the Minor
Foundation Courses (3-6 credits)
Abnormal Psychology
3 credits
Social Psychology
3 credits
Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence *
3 credits
Developmental Psychology: Adult *
3 credits
Personality and Individual Differences (formerly PSY 4061 Theories of Personality)
3 credits
Psychology of Motivation and Learning
3 credits
Cognitive Psychology
3 credits
Mind, Brain and Behavior (
BIO 3082 )
3 credits
* Students may not take both PSY 3059 and PSY 3060 to fulfill the foundation requirement.
Elective courses (0-4 credits)
Thought and Reality
( PHI 3030 )
3 credits
Animal Behavior (
BIO 3032 ), (
ENV 3032 )
4 credits
Philosophy of Psychology
( PHI 3035 )
3 credits
Psychology and Culture
3 credits
Special Topics in Psychology (formerly Special Problems in Psychology Series I)
3 credits
The Psychology of Sleep
3 credits
Small Group Processes
3 credits
Psychology of Stress Management
3 credits
Health Psychology
3 credits
Psychology and the Law
3 credits
Psychology of Gender
3 credits
Positive Psychology
3 credits
Psychology of Learning
3 credits
Political Psychology
( POL 3101 )
3 credits
Financial Psychology
3 credits
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
3 credits
Environmental Psychology
3 credits
Experimental Philosophy
( PHI 3220 )
3 credits
Psychology of Ethics
3 credits
Literature and Psychology
( ENG 3730 )
3 credits
Capstone Course (Choose one of the following:)
Diversity in the Workplace
3 credits
Evolution of Modern Psychology
3 credits
Advanced Personnel Psychology
3 credits
Psychopathology of Childhood
3 credits
Psychology of the Family
3 credits
Sensation and Perception
3 credits
Drugs, Brain, and Society
3 credits
Advanced Organizational Psychology
3 credits
Occupational Health Psychology
3 credits
Psychology of Career Development and Planning
3 credits
Leadership and Managerial Development
3 credits
Psychology of Training and Development
3 credits
Psychological Approaches to Contemporary Problems
3 credits
Independent Study in Psychology
(requires departmental permission)
3 credits
Psychology Honors I
3 credits
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Department of Psychology
Department Chair: Jennifer Mangels