New Media Arts minor
Department of Fine and Performing Arts
The Department of Fine and Performing Arts features a minor concentration in new media arts.
Requirements for the Minor
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Spring/Winter 2025 New Media Arts Minor Course Offerings
(Subject to Change)
NMA 2050 Introduction to New Media Arts
HMWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4505
In-Person: M/W 9:55AM – 11:35AM
Instructor: Bahareh Khoshooee
HTRA-LEC Regular; Class Number 18957
In Person: Tu/Th 9:55AM – 11:35AM
Instructor: TBA
SMWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4702
Hybrid Synchronous: Mo 5:40PM – 7:20PM
We 5:40PM – 7:20PM
Instructor: Elizabeth Naiden
VM-LEC Regular; Class Number: 5137
Online Synchronous: Mo 6:05PM – 9:50PM
Instructor: Fabian Tabibian
WWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4700
In-Person: We 1:15PM – 5:00PM
Instructor: Nicholas Rymer
NMA 4900 NMA in Theory and Practice
WF-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4701
In-Person: Fr 1:15PM – 5:00PM
Instructor: Elizabeth Naiden
WM-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4506
In-Person: Mo 1:15PM – 5:00PM
Instructor: Dennis Delgado
NMA 3010 Video I
WT-LEC Regular; Class Number: 20084
In-Person: Tu 1:15PM – 5:00PM
Instructor: Dennis Delgado
NMA 3021 Performing with New Media
MT-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4999
In-Person: Tu 11:10AM – 2:05PM
Instructor: Susan Tenneriello
ART 3057 Principles of Internet Design
NETA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4680
Instructor: Nicholas Rymer
NMA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4688
Hybrid Synchronous: M 2:30PM – 5:25PM
In-person Dates: January 27, February 10, February 24, March 10, March 24, April 21, and May 5.
Instructor: Broderick Shoemaker
ART 3059 Animation and Motion Graphics
UWA-LEC Regular; Class Number: 4496
In Person: We 6:05PM – 9:00PM
Instructor: Mark Minnig
Professor John Maciuika, Interim Program Director