The minor in mathematics provides students with a background in the various theories and uses of mathematics. The minor requires the completion of an intermediate calculus course (MTH 3006, MTH 3010, MTH 3020, MTH 3030, or MTH 3050), and two 3 to 5 credit upper-level mathematics courses, one of which must be a capstone course. Please see below for important restrictions.
The following courses are not applicable to the mathematics minor: MTH 4005, MTH 4009, MTH 4119, and MTH 4410.
Capstone courses for the Computer Science minor may not be used as a capstone for the Mathematics minor. Although these courses may be used as electives within the mathematics minor, none of these courses may be used to satisfy the mathematics capstone requirement: MTH 4230, MTH 4250, MTH 4300, MTH 4320, MTH 4325, MTH 4330, MTH 4350, MTH 4355, and MTH 4360.
This minor is not open to students majoring in actuarial science, financial mathematics, or statistics (BA).
Requirements for the Minor
All students must take one of the following courses:
Students must take any two other courses from the following list, with at least one of the courses being a 4000-level or higher capstone course:
MTH 4005, MTH 4009, MTH 4119, and MTH 4410 are not applicable to the mathematics minor
None of these computer science related courses may be used to satisfy the capstone requirement: MTH 4230, MTH 4250, MTH 4300, MTH 4320, MTH 4325, MTH 4330, MTH 4350, MTH 4355, and MTH 4360
* These courses are offered infrequently, subject to student demand.
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.