The Department of Mathematics offers a liberal arts minor concentration in Computer Science. This minor is applicable to the Pathways College Option degree requirement.
No course may be used to satisfy requirements for both the computer science minor and a student’s major.
Requirements for the Minor
MTH 3150 Discrete Math: An Invitation to Computer Science
MTH 3300 MTH 3300 Algorithms, Computers, and Programming I *
* Students with credit for CIS 2300 cannot take MTH 3300. Students who cannot use MTH 3300 for the minor may either take two 4000-level courses from the list above, or one of the 4000-level courses together with MTH 4140 (Graph Theory).
** Students who have credit for CIS 3100 cannot take MTH 4300.
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.