Black and Latino Studies Minor
Department of Black and Latino Studies
Black Studies Minor
This program offers an interdisciplinary study of the social, political, cultural, and economic history of Black peoples throughout the world from ancient to modern times. Themes include community economic development, micro-enterprise and small business, nonprofit organizations, culture and identity, the development of community, social and public policy, migration processes, and media portrayals.
The requirements of Black Studies minor can be fulfilled by completing two courses in the department at the 3000-level or above, followed by the capstone course:
BLS 4900 – Seminar in Black & Latino Studies.
Please note: Neither BLS/LTS/LACS 4901 nor BLS/LTS/LACS 4902 may serve as the capstone course for the minor.
Black and Latino Studies Minor
This program offers an interdisciplinary study of the social, political, cultural, and economic history of Black and Latino peoples throughout the world from ancient to modern times. Themes include community economic development, micro-enterprise and small business, nonprofit organizations, culture and identity, the development of community, social and public policy, migration processes, and media portrayals.
The requirements of the Black and Latino Studies minor can be fulfilled by completing two courses in the department at the 3000-level or above, followed by the capstone course:
BLS 4900/LTS 4900 – Seminar in Black & Latino Studies.
Please note: Neither BLS/LTS/LACS 4901 nor BLS/LTS/LACS 4902 may serve as the capstone course for the minor.
Latino Studies Minor
This program offers an interdisciplinary study of the social, political, cultural, and economic history of Latino/a, Latinx peoples throughout the world from ancient to modern times. Themes include community economic development, micro-enterprise and small business, nonprofit organizations, culture and identity, the development of community, social and public policy, migration processes, and media portrayals.
The requirements of Latino Studies minor can be fulfilled by completing two courses in the department at the 3000-level or above, followed by the capstone course:
LTS 4900 – Seminar in Black & Latino Studies.
Please note: Neither BLS/LTS/LACS 4901 nor BLS/LTS/LACS 4902 may serve as the capstone course for the minor.
Students are expected to complete the minor requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Department of Black and Latino Studies
Shelly Eversley
Interim Chair: