Russell Shorto
Harman Writer-In-Residence, Fall 2017
(Photo by Ringle Goslinga)
Russell Short is an American author and journalist whose books are narrative nonfiction history. His five books, including the national bestseller, The Island At the Center Of The World, have been published in 13 languages and have won a variety of awards. His sixth, Revolution Song, is due out in Fall 2018. Shorto is a contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine, and blogs for New He was born and raised in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, which he notes “was recently awarded the designation of poorest city in the state. But it has beautiful hills.”
Excerpt from The Island At The Center Of The World (2004)
“Instead, power went to those who made things happen: businessmen and local magistrates. Over time, human nature being what it is, these men would create a kind of nobility, sometimes even buying titles from cash-poor foreigners, but this in itself underscores the point. Upward mobility was part of the Dutch character: if you worked hard and were smart, you rose in stature. Today that is a byword of a healthy society; in the seventeenth century it was weird.”

Russell Shorto’s Fall ’17 Harman class.
A Reading and Conversation with Russell Shorto
On Tuesday, October 17, Writer-in-Residence Russell Shorto shared real life stories of those featured in his new book, Revolution Song. The event garnered quite the crowd, and was preceded by a lively reception.
*Photo credits: Glenda Hydler

Russell Shorto with Program Director Professor Bridgett Davis.

(Left to right) Shorto, Prof. Davis, and Prof. Andrea Gabor

Shorto speaking at the stand.

Various Attendees.